Sep 20, 2011

The future is just ahead.

This is the start of senior year for me which means, College. The main thing on the senior's minds' is college. We have a lot to get prepared for just for senior year alone. College stuff is just adding onto it. We have to make sure we have our formal and casual photos done, along with our senior quotes, remember when statements, and will's. Making sure these are all done and submitted in before the dead line is crucial. Senior year is supposed to be the best year ever and I'm almost positive that it will be. However, we have a lot to worry about for college. Guidance councelors are there to help us along the way but are also extremely nervous about it all just like we are. We have to start looking around, applying, and getting our letters of recommendation together. School may have just began but it's going to go by so fast and little do we know, college is right around the corner. Everything in high school instantly goes by and it's up to you to go with it. College is going to be a major change from high school. There will be a lot of maintaining that needs to take place. We will all have to balance everything all together. It may be hard at times but it's life. You got to go with it and learn!

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