If I was given the chance to have three wishes, I honestly wouldn’t have a problem with choosing what I’d wish for. The first wish I would make would be to have a lot of money. This wish is quite typical for absolutely anybody. Instantly everybody would more than likely wish for money. I wouldn’t wish for money for selfish, personal reasons though. Yes, it would be nice to have money just for myself; however, I would prefer to use it otherwise. With all the money I would receive in my wish, I would split it up evenly amongst all the different families. I would give money out to every set of aunts and uncles that I have, every set of grandparents, and my two parents. I would do this because it is a way of giving back to them for all that they have done for me. The money would be theirs for anything they needed it for, even personal use if that’s what they chose. I know that giving money back to them as a thank you would be able to help personal health needs, family needs, etc. The second wish would be to go live in Allegany State Park. Although you can’t go live there, they do let you buy your own cabin that you can come camp at. However, that very rarely happens. My wish though, would allow me to live their anyways. I would choose to live there because that is my number one place in this entire world. I have gone there every single summer for a total of almost ten years and I absolutely love it. Many people go camping in Allegany, but to me it’s much more than just camping. Its freedom and it brings out the real me. It’s my escape from the world. It also brings you closer to nature and gives you a different outlook of everything. I know my way around Allegany State Park more than I do Alden, I swear! Allegany is basically my home. I feel as if my actual home is really just my second home. Living there would be the absolute best thing to happen in my life. My third wish would be to go back in time to see all of my loved ones that passed on, including pets. Whether it is for a day or a second, it would mean the absolute world to me. When loved ones pass on, you can still remember their appearance and roughly there sound. However, remembering it can never compare to hearing there voice or seeing their face again. No matter how long ago it was or how recent it was, seeing all of them just once more would be simply breathtaking.
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