Mar 26, 2012

N4. Such a young life taken away.

Reading this article about young Trayvon Martin sickens me. When you hear about a young seventeen year old that’s life was taken, you can’t help but wonder, why? After reading this and watching the videos, in my own opinion, Zimmerman’s story is inaccurate. Many teens will talk on the phone to somebody when they are going to get something from a store late at night. It gives them that comfort feeling of having company to take there mind off of the fact they are alone. If Trayvon Martin was up to something considered “no good”, then he wouldn’t have been on the phone. Instead he would have been caring more about what he was up to. It’s good that the boy’s girlfriend was on the phone because she is helping this debate between whether or not Zimmerman’s story is true. My opinion on Zimmerman is simple. I think that he was just one of those neighborhood watch volunteer who wanted to be a cop but wasn’t. Therefore, I feel as if he was just a want-to-be. He acted as if he were a cop but he wasn’t and it got to his head while Treyvon was walking by looking “suspicious”, at least to Zimmerman. One thing I don’t like about this article would be the racial issue. When it comes to Spanish and blacks, race becomes the first thing to point fingers at. I don’t think that should be the case, it shouldn’t be the first assumption. Throughout the article, a lot of things that Zimmerman said got proven wrong, such as the shouts for help. Zimmerman said that he shouted for help and nobody answered. However, Trayvon’s family and three witnesses said that it actually was Trayvon shouting for help, not Zimmerman. Another thing was that Zimmerman’s father said that he never followed or confronted Trayvon. However, there are records of Zimmerman saying he was following Trayvon while the dispatcher told him not to do so.  Oddly enough, Zimmerman was reported to have moved out of his familys house due to threats and is no longer found. If you were so innocent, why would you threats, that are false, get to you and cause you to leave? If you were innocent, it wouldn't get to you and you wouldn't randomly flee. Honestly, I feel that Zimmerman’s accusation of self-defense is a cover up. Everything that Zimmerman “said” has been proven false due to all of the proof that has been leaked out. Overall, he did wrong and he should have to pay the consequences for taking such a young life. I feel terribly sorry for the Martin family. I think the more information they are going to find from the phone calls will help prove more, helping this boy’s soul rest and justice to be found.

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