May 21, 2012

R3. Conceited much?

Mr. Currin chooses to constantly remind us that he is a “big deal”. He says it so much, how could we possibly forget that? However, in this blog he wants us to depict whether or not it is a true or false statement. I think this is very controversial. Mr. Currin thinks he is a big deal, I can’t exactly tell you how long he’s thought of this or has wanted to be a big deal, but he won’t let you forget that he’s a “big deal”. He’ll make sure that that’s the first thing you know about him, then he’ll make sure you never, ever, forget it. It will keep replaying in your head and haunt you. No, but really, Mr. Currin does make this class extremely fun. Luckily, this class is my last class of the day so it keeps me awake as the day approaches its end. I’m still a bit unsure on whether or not he is that big of a deal. He still has a few more days left to prove that to my fellow classmates and I. Good luck, Mr. Currin! Maybe if you keep repeating it to us we will eventually believe it, or maybe we won’t, who knows! One thing we can all agree on is that this is honestly the best class ever. This class doesn’t compare to any other. The unbelievable amount of laughs we all share per class is too much for other classes to handle. I do need to add that Mr. Currin does know how to entertain a bunch of juniors and seniors at the end of the day as were all tired and don’t want to be here. I don’t know if that makes him a big deal though. It’s debatable. I guess you can say, any teacher that posts pictures of cats around the room to “keep us busy” is a big deal. Not going to lie.

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