Dec 19, 2011

Changing the world for the better.

If I could go about changing the world for the better that would definitely be a tough thing to do. Whether we all realize it or not, there are many different issues going on in the world that could use a good change or two. I guess if I could do my part in some type of way, I would help by recycling and stopping litter. Although many think it’s silly, recycling can make a big difference and littering can save the lives of animals around us. Our environment is affected strongly by just the simplest forms of carelessness. I couldn’t tell you why we do the things we do but it’s wrong and although we know that, we still do it. Changing the entire world is pretty impossible but making just the smallest positive effect would make me feel really good inside. Hearing and watching things about the lives of animals being taken by our mistakes kills me. It’s such a sad thing to know. The worst part is the fact we know it can harm them but we haven’t done anything to stop it. I guess something I would want to do to make the world a better place would be to make things well aware to people. Instead of just voicing it out there, I’d like to instead physically do something to show people and get them to really understand. Many people would think that because of the fact it’s just an animal, means it really isn’t important. That isn’t true. Yes, an animal is just an animal but what you’re really doing, isn’t just killing them. You’re putting a lot of harm out there for the environment and habitat itself. In the long run, it will affect us as much as it is affecting them. Something so harmless doesn’t deserve to suffer from something so stupidly done in harm or carelessness. I hate seeing people not caring about what they’re doing. If you’re going to have respect, have respect for yourself as well as your environment because you live here just as much as they do.

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