May 1, 2012

Q1. One choice done, one to go.

For my first choice blog this week, I don’t have much to write about. The only thing that is truly coming up would be prom. I, as well as many others, am excited. However, the stress is still continuing and will continue until prom is over. This entire week is going to be going by so slow since everybody has been looking forward to this one specific event for a while. The only other thing I am also excited for would be tomorrow. Being in 21st century communications, we were told that at some point in the school year we would be going over to see the little kids to do a group presentation for them. We have to do the presentation twice for them and the first day is tomorrow. Being that it is the fourth grade class, I’m not too worried but I am a tad because that’s around the age where they roughly have attitudes. Therefore, we don’t know what to fully expect. At the age we are at, you don’t fully think, you just react. If any of these kids give attitude we will need to stop and think so we remember their age and the purpose of us being there. It’ll be all about blocking out negativity and unnecessary distractions that the little kids may bring. This will be a difficult thing for some of the other kids in my class. Our group presentations need to be based on Rachel’s Challenge. We are given a total of five kids in our own group that we will present our own activities to that deal with this topic. One worry my group has would be holding the kids attention for the amount of time of our presentation. We don’t want to bore them, we want them to have fun but also be educated by what we are saying and doing. However, I am looking forward to it and I think overall it will be a good experience for us and them.

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